28-01-2022 About Glory of Nama Seva

Audio Record

Harikhatha of Srila Bhakti Prapanna Tirtha Goswami Maharaj


– About Glory of Nama Seva;
– Harikatha of Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj from Follow the Angels;
– Answers to devotee’s questions.



From: Follow the Angels

English / Russian

28-01-2022 About Glory of Nama Seva

SB 5.1.17

bhayam pramattasya vaneshv api syad
yatah sa aste saha-shat-sapatnah
jitendriyasyatma-rater budhasya
grihasramah kim nu karoty avadyam


Even if he goes from forest to forest, one who is not self-controlled must always fear material bondage because he is living with six co-wives — the mind and knowledge-acquiring senses. Even householder life, however, cannot harm a self-satisfied, learned man who has conquered his senses.


Srila Narottama dasa Thakura has sung, grihe va vanete thake, ‘ha gauranga’ bale dake: whether one is situated in the forest or at home, if he is engaged in the devotional service of Lord Caitanya, he is a liberated person. Here this is also repeated. For one who has not controlled his senses, going to the forest to become a so-called yogi is meaningless. Because his uncontrolled mind and senses are going with him, he cannot achieve anything, even by giving up household life and staying in the forest.

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From: Follow the Angels

Nama: More Than Mundane Sound

If we take the Name, then there must be service. Sat-sanga. Sadhu-sanga krsna nama. Service means to dedicate oneself completely to that which we serve. In that way we shall take the Name. For what purpose are we taking the Name of the Lord? Kanaka, kamini, pratis ha: not for money, not for sense gratification, not to achieve popularity. We are ready to sacrifice ourselves completely for Him, for His Name. With that attitude we shall take the Name. It is not limited. The whole life within the fist we shall give for His satisfaction. The whole of our energy, we shall risk it for the satisfaction of the Holy Name. We must approach with this attitude. It is guaranteed. The pursuit, the attempt is backed by our whole energy, our whole life, the whole prospect, everything.
With this attitude we shall have to search for a drop of Vaikuntha nectar. Otherwise it is useless. Die to live. Sacrifice, seva. Seva means death—death of the material ego. Seva means to give one’s own self to a particular purpose. The seva of Krsna means to give up this mad self, this mundane, concocted self. Try to be saved from our present position. This is not a very laudable thing, our present position; it is a mortal thing, the result of many reactions. So get rid of this shelter. Get out of it, as soon as possible. And enter into the land of confidence and goodness and fairness and sweetness. Try to enter that.

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A great tragedy

Srila Bhakti Rakshak Sridhar MaharajMAHAPRABHU’S SANNYAS – A great tragedy

We must return back to Godhead, back to home. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu says, “Your home is a beautiful land. You must try for that. Why are you always troubled with the horrors of war, epidemic, earthquake, undesirable disease, stealing, dacoiting, and fighting with so many neighbors? At the bottom of all this is the fact that you have identified yourself with this material world and this body of flesh and blood. You have to retrace your path and go back to your home.” That is what is necessary. Our homeland is such a lovely and beautiful and divine place. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s sannyasa is all for us, and it is for the purpose of taking us back home, where we can have home comforts, home sweetness. If we have any home-consciousness within, then we must appreciate such a proposal: home sweet home.
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s sannyasa is apparently very cruel to His devotees, and to His family members, but it was meant only to take us to our home. To work out the ecstasy of union, it was necessary for Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to show separation from His devotees and relatives. Separation and union are mutually helpful. Mahaprabhu’s sannyasa, His renunciation, is a great tragedy of separation.

Srila Bhakti Rakshak Sridhar Dev Goswami

14-01-2022 Sriman Mahaprabhu Sannyasa Lila

Audio Record

Harikhatha of Srila Bhakti Prapanna Tirtha Goswami Maharaj


– Sriman Mahaprabhu Sannyasa Lila;
– Harikatha of Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj;



English / Russian


Mahaprabhu Sannyas Lila


They all opposed Mahaprabhu’s sannyasa. Some of them raised their voices in protest: “You—Kesava Bharati! We won’t allow you to give sannyasa to this young man. He has a family, his mother and wife. We won’t allow it. If you give sannyasa to this charming, young, beautiful boy, we will break down your asrama immediately. It can’t be!”

But Nimai Pandita kept pressing for sannyasa. At last, Kesava Bharati asked him, “So, you are that Nimai Pandita about whom we have heard so much? Many big scholars came to conquer Navadwipa, the famous seat of learning, and You have defeated them all. Are You that Nimai Pandita?” “Yes,” said Nimai. Kesava Bharati told him, “I can give You sannyasa, but You must take the permission of Your mother—otherwise I won’t, I can’t do it.” Nimai suddenly began running towards Navadwipa to ask permission, but Kesava Bharati thought, “He has such a commanding personality, He can do anything.”

Nimai was called back. Kesava Bharati told him, “With Your most extraordinary personality You can do anything. You will go there, charm Your guardians, get permission, and return. Nothing is impossible for You.”

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30-12-2021 Ekadashi Tithi

Audio Record

Harikhatha of Srila Bhakti Prapanna Tirtha Goswami Maharaj


– About Glory of Srila Devananda Pandit;
– Harikatha of Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj;



English / Russian


Srila Jiva Goswami

Srila Jiva

Goswami Prabhu, who is the protector of our Sampradaya and a great Acharyya. Srila Guru Maharaj said, Jivadyair abhiraksitam, our whole Sampradaya with so much wealth came from Jiva Goswami Prabhu. Rupa-Sanatan gave so much and Jiva Goswami Prabhu protected them from the other schools of religion like Sankaracharyya and (the atheist) Kapila’s sankhya philosophy. They wanted to establish nirakara, nirvisesa, brahma (impersonalism, non-variagatedness), but Jiva Goswami Prabhu very authentically and wisely defeated them. He established achintya bhedabheda siddhanta of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

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This is impossible! impossible!

In Vrndavana Radha-Govinda are separate and here in Navadvipa They are combined. More power! Combined! And They had made their mind up to loot – “Take as much wealth as you can. We are giving it to you all.” This is impossible! impossible! What does Prabodhananda Sarasvati say?

kaivalyam narakayate tridasa-purakasa puspayate
durdantendriya-kala-sarpa-patali protkhata-damstrayate
visvam purna-sukhayate vidhi-mahendradis ca kitayate
yat karunya kataksa vaibhavavatam tam gauram eva stumah
(Caitanya-candramrta 5)

Kaivalyam narakayate – if one can get a taste of the dish that is distributed in Navadvipa, if one can get a slight taste of that dish then, kaivalyam narakayate – permanent emancipation will seem to him to be like hell which has been so much preached and admired in so many sastras. Kaivalya-mukti means eternal emancipation from this world of exploitation. The trouble is the tendency to exploit – that is the trouble found by the experts of those areas. What is the trouble? The exploiting tendency forces us to connect with the environment and we have to suffer severely from the reactions. So how to successfully get out of the action-reaction problem? Prabodhananda Sarasvati says, “Oh, you talk so much about kaivalya that you will have no possibility of coming into connection with the exploiting tendency, action-reaction – that is like hell to those that come to see Sri Gauranga-deva’s lotus feet.”

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