Aspiring for the Dust of Srimad Rupa Goswami’s Lotus Feet
Composed by Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj
Srimad Rupa-pada-rajah Prarthana Dasakam
srimach-chaitanyapadau chara-kamalayugau netra-bhrngau madhu dyau
gaude tau payayantau vraja-vipina-gatau vyajayuktau samutkau
bhatau sabhratrkasya svajana-gana-pater yasya saubhagya-bhumnah
sa sri-rupah kada mam nija-pada-rajasa bhusitam samvidhatte [1]
Srila Rupa Goswami is the mine of the most precious treasure, the leader of the associates of Lord Chaitanya (the Divine Succession being known as the Rupanuga Sampradaya, ‘the followers of Sri Rupa’). In the company of his brothers, he was resplendent in (the province of) Gauda, causing the fervent twin bumblebees in the form of the lotus eyes of Sri Chaitanyadev to drink nectar, as the Lord’s lotus feet moved on the pretext of visiting Vrindavan. When will that Srimad Rupa Prabhu grace me with the dust of his holy feet?
rajyaisvaryam jahau yo jana-nivaha-hitadatta-chitto nijagryam
vijnapya svanujena vraja-gamana-ratam chanvagat gaurachandram
sa sri-rupah kada mam nija-pada-rajasa bhusitam samvidhatte [2]
At Sri Ramakeli Dham, the king of bees—the heart of Sri Rupa—became intoxicated drinking the honey-wine of the lotus feet of Sri Gaurachandra, and sacrificed its life (in Hari-kirtana) for the benefit of all the people of the world, summarily abandoning a life of kingly opulence. After informing his elder brother Sri Sanatana, Sri Rupa and his younger brother Sri Vallabha followed the footsteps of Sri Caitanyadev, whose heart was absorbed in going (from Nilachala) to Sri Vrindavan. When will that Sri Rupa Prabhu grace me with the dust of his holy lotus feet?
vrndaranyat prayage hari-rasa-natanair nama-sankirtanais cha
lebhe yo madhavagre jana-gahana-gatam prema-mattam janams cha
bhavaih svair madayantam hrta-nidhir iva tam krsna-chaitanyachandram
sa sri-rupah kada mam nija-pada-rajasa bhusitam samvidhatte [3]
Sri Chaitanyadeva returned from Vrindavan to Prayag Dham and performed Nama-sankirtana, surrounded by crowds of hundreds of thousands. Intoxicated with divine love, dancing, He melted the hearts of hundreds of faithful souls with His astonishing transcendental ecstasies. Sri Rupa, as though regaining his most precious treasure, thus found Sri Chaitanyadev in the direct presence of the Deity Sri Bindu Madhava. When will that Sri Rupa Prabhu grace me with the dust of his holy lotus feet?
ekantam labdha-padambuja-nija-hrdaya-prestha-patro mahartir
dainyair-duhkhasru-purnair dasana-dhrta-trnaih pujayamasa gauram
svantah krsnan cha ganga-dinamani-tanaya-sangame sanujo yah
sa sri-rupah kada mam nija-pada-rajasa bhusitam samvidhatte [4]
At the sacred spot on the confluence of the Ganga and the Yamuna, Sri Rupa achieved intimate union with the lotus feet of the dearmost Lord of his life—the Lord who is Krishna within and Gaura without. In grave humility, with straw in mouth and with tears of sorrow, he along with his younger brother worshiped Sri Gaura-Krishna in intense love. When will that Sri Rupa Prabhu grace me with the dust of his holy lotus feet?
svasya prema-svarupam priya-dayita-vilasanurupaika-rupam
dure bhu-lunthitam yam sahaja-sumadhura-sriyutam sanujan cha
drstva devo ‘titurnam stuti-bahu-mukham aslisya gadham raranje
sa sri-rupah kada mam nija-pada-rajasa bhusitam samvidhatte [5]
Sri Chaitanyadev saw Sri Rupa and his younger brother rolling on the ground some distance away. Seeing His endeared one, His favorite, His love divine personified in natural beauty and charm, His exclusive alter ego in divine pastimes, the Lord swiftly approached Sri Rupa, profusely singing his glories, and embraced him in ecstasy. When will that Sri Rupa Prabhu grace me with the dust of his holy lotus feet?
jnatvapy evan cha radha-pada-bhajana-sudham lilayapayayad yam
saktim sancharya gauro nija-bhajana-sudha-dana-daksam chakara
sa sri-rupah kada mam nija-pada-rajasa bhusitam samvidhatte [6]
Sri Gaurahari knew that (as an eternal associate of the Lord) Sri Rupa was already proficient in wandering throughout the ambrosial ocean of all mellows, in the land of unalloyed love (in Vraja-rasa). Nonetheless, to expand His own pastimes, the Lord enabled him to drink the sweet ecstasy of servitude unto Sri Radha, and empowered him with the skill to distribute the nectar of His personal devotional service. When will that Srimad Rupa Prabhu grace me with the dust of his lotus feet?
gauradesach cha vrnda-vipinam iha parikramya nilachalam yo
gatva kavyamrtaih svair vraja-yuva-yugala-kridanarthaih prakamam
ramananda-svarupadibhir api kavibhis tarpayamasa gauram
sa sri-rupah kada mam nija-pada-rajasa bhusitam samvidhatte [7]
When on the order of Sri Gauranga, Sri Rupa visited Sri Purusottama Ksetra after completing the circumambulation of Sri Vraja Mandal, He highly gratified Sri Chaitanyadev and the sagacious devotee assembly headed by Sri Svarupa Damodara and Sri Ramananda Raya by his ambrosial poetry on the pastimes of the Divine Couple of Vraja. When will that Srimad Rupa Prabhu grace me with the dust of his lotus feet?
lila-samgopane sri-bhagavata iha vai jangame sthavare ‘pi
sammugdhe sagrajatah prabhu-viraha-hrta-praya-jivendriyanam
yas chasid asrayaika-sthalam iva raghu-gopala-jivadi-varge
sa sri-rupah kada mam nija-pada-rajasa bhusitam samvidhatte [8]
When the manifest lila of the Supreme Lord Sri Chaitanyadev was withdrawn, all beings including the immobile entities were mortified, deeply afflicted in sorrow. Sri Rupa and his elder brother were the only shelter for even the intimate devotees of the Lord, headed by Raghunath, Gopal Bhatta, and Sri Jiva, who had almost lost their lives in the Lord’s separation. When will that Srimad Rupa Prabhu grace me with the dust of his lotus feet?
sri-murteh sadhu-vrtteh prakatanam api tal-lupta-tirthadikanam
sri-radha-krsna-padambuja-bhajanamayam raga-margam visuddham
granthair yena pradattam nikhilam iha nijabhista-devepsitan cha
sa sri rupah kada mam nija-pada-rajasa bhusitam samvidhatte [9]
By writing many, many books, he gave the world all the most cherished desires of his worshipful Lord Sri Chaitanyadev, principally—revealing the service of the Deity, establishing the pure code of conduct in devotion, revealing the lost holy places, and revealing the path of spontaneous devotion (Raga-marga) in transcendental loving service to Sri Radha-Govinda. When will that Srimad Rupa Prabhu grace me with the dust of his holy lotus feet?
lila-samgopa-kale nirupadhi-karuna-karina svaminaham
yat padabje ‘rpito yat pada-bhajanamayam gayayitva tu gitam
yogyayogyatva-bhavam mama khalu sakalam dusta-buddher agrhnan
sa sri-rupah kada mam nija-pada-rajasa bhusitam samvidhatte
Aspiring for the Dust of Srimad Rupa Goswami’s Lotus Feet [10]
Just prior to the withdrawal of his manifest lila, my causelessly merciful Divine Master, Srila Saraswati Thakura, handed me over to the holy feet of that Divine Personality by having me sing the glorious prayer unto his lotus feet (Sri Rupa-manjari-pada). Despite my lowliness, when will—disregarding all my various qualifications and disqualifications—Srimad Rupa Prabhu grace me with the dust of his holy lotus feet?