ahaṁ vedmi śuko vetti
vyāso vetti na vetti vā
bhaktyā bhāgavataṁ grāhyaṁ
na buddhyā na ca ṭīkayā
I know Sukadeva knows the meaning of Srimad-Bhagavatam, whereas Vyasadeva may or may not know it. The Srimad-Bhagavatam can only be known through bhakti, not by mundane intelligence or by reading many commentaries.
((Cc. Madhya 24.313)
Guru Maharaj says, that an agent of revelation may not know or fully understand the things passing through him. The necessity in the heart of the listener may draw down things from above the even the speaker is not fully aware of if that is Krishna’s will. Guru Maharaj connects vyasa vetti na vetti va to the example of Mahaprabhu crediting Sanatan and Sanatan’s association for all the meanings of the atma-rama verse that came out. In Sarvabhauma’s association certain meanings came, and in Sanatan’s so many more.
Also, Guru Maharaj points out that in the four sittings of Bhagavatam, the main thing came out in the sitting between Suka and Pariksit (not between Narad and Vyas, or Vyas and Sukadev). We remember that Vyas and Narad came to hear the Bhagavat from Suka, so there must be a reason. And later Vyasa put that into a book and sent it to the market. So, did Vyasa full realise what Suka revealed as he presented that in book form? That is the question. Also, Guru Maharaj says Narad and Vyas came to hear the Bhagavat from Sukadev because they know the infinite nature of the subject he will speak on (“the openness to the Infinite that should be always observed” — Guru Maharaj quote in this connection) and that no one can know it fully, so they came to potentially receive something new).